Believers who rethink their faith

We are living in a time of profound planetary civilizational transformation, the most profound and accelerated of the human species Sapiens since its origins 300,000 years ago. We have never been so powerful, yet we have never felt so insecure and vulnerable. It is a time of integral crisis which places us before the great […]

Rethinking Christianity

(Foreword to: Por un cristianismo creíble. [In Support of a Credible Christianity] Author: Pedro Miguel Ansó-Esarte. Publ. Tirant lo Blanc, 2024) What you have here is a tremendous little book, profound and simple, interesting and vibrant, critical and impeccably respectful, and brimming with information and clarity. Each chapter, brief yet substantial in equal measure, strikes […]

Does the universe need a Creator?

Three years ago the book Dieu : la science, les preuves : l’aube d’une révolution (2021) (God, science, the evidence: the dawn of a revolution) by Michel Yves Bolloré and Olivier Bonnassies was published in France. It is presented as the “dawn of a revolution” both scientific and theological. The authors –both are engineers and […]

Praying without believing in a theistic god

“Theism” is as ambiguous as theos (god in Greek) from which it derives, but today it expresses the belief in a god which is a metaphysical supreme being, omnipotent creator and external to the world, in which it intervenes when and how it pleases. A god in which an increasing majority of our society cannot […]

Personal, not institutional, support for Pope Francis

I agreed to express my support for Pope Francis, but not without misgivings. “It will be personal, not institutional, support,” I warned. Let me explain: my misgivings have nothing to do with him as a person, but with the institutional figure –the absolute papacy– that he continues to represent, with the clerical, masculine model of […]

Science, Philosophy and Theology for the 21st Century

ScienceEpilogue to a book of lights and challenges I thank Agustín Gil for this book, which is so clear-sighted and necessary for today. These are difficult and decisive times for humanity and the entire community of the living.Denialism and dogmatism – two disorders only apparently opposed – are the symptom of a planetary civilizational malaise. […]

Christmas and the future of the human species

On 1 December, as the season called Advent (Coming) covering the four weeks leading up to Christmas was about to commence in the Christian liturgical calendar, Leonardo Boff’s weekly column was entitled “Are we approaching the end of the human species?” Basically, it reproduces a text published in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. For years […]

Keys to a transtheist Christology

It is not easy to offer today a presentation of Jesus of Nazareth that is brief, substantial and easy to understand, in addition to being interesting and novel. Annamaria Corallo has done so in this book and I congratulate her with the same pleasure that I have read these pages. Pages that instruct the mind […]

Javier Garrido. In God’s name?

A few days ago, the final judgment handed down by the Rota (ecclesiastical court) was made public; it harshly condemned the Navarrese Franciscan Javier Garrido, a master and spiritual companion of great authority, author of numerous books on spirituality and Christianity, and one of the most recognised figures in the Franciscan Order, for “abuses of […]

From the rotating Synod to the statements of Bishop Omella

These are harsh winter days for those who thought there were springtime signs for reform in the catholic ecclesial institution. May they not lose their hope, or their breath! On Saturday, October 28, the synthesis of the first phase of the “Synod on Synodality” of the Catholic Church, the fourth in the 10 years of […]