
Praying without believing in a theistic god

“Theism” is as ambiguous as theos (god in Greek) from which it derives, but today it expresses the belief in a god which is a metaphysical supreme being, omnipotent creator and external to the world, in which it intervenes when and how it pleases. A god in which an increasing majority of our society cannot […]


Miren deeply hated the profound fear her mother experimented at all times as if glued to her body, her tendency to see everywhere the footprints of evil and death, her language full of be-carefuls and just-in-cases. She deeply hated the consequences of that fear: days were always full of prohibitions, rules, prayers, Masses and other […]

Let me weep for you

Let me weep for you Let me weep for you, my brother. Let me hold you, my sister, your aching heart beating against the rhythm of my own, our tears mingling, our ancient angers pooled red around our feet. And when our hearts dry and our tears slow, may we see in one another’s eyes […]

PRAYER TO GOD AND GOD’S PRAYER. With regard to a book by Hans Küng

The publication of a small volume by Hans Küng entitled La oración y el problema de Dios[1] [Prayer and the Problem of God] on the portal as part of the debate on “No-theism and Faith in God” has prompted me to reread it and put forward some reflections on it. Thirty years have passed […]


Praying You, I get close without arriving. Prayer is present in all beings as an impulse towards their source. While I beg, I exile from the one Who is in what is given and I turn away from the one Who lies in what I live in. One knows it will be Sea -it is-, […]