
People go to their temples

People go to their temples to greet Me… How simple and ignorant are My children who think that I live in isolation. Why don’t they come and greet Me in the procession of life, where I always live, in the farms, the factories, and the market, where I encourage those who earn their living by […]


Miren deeply hated the profound fear her mother experimented at all times as if glued to her body, her tendency to see everywhere the footprints of evil and death, her language full of be-carefuls and just-in-cases. She deeply hated the consequences of that fear: days were always full of prohibitions, rules, prayers, Masses and other […]

The Abortion Debate: a Polish symptom

On 22 October the Constitutional Court of Poland ruled that abortion on the grounds of foetal malformation was unconstitutional. I remember what happened; in 1993 and defying the Church, the State legalised abortion on four grounds: rape, incest, serious risk for the mother’s health and foetal malformation. It was a symptom of the new Poland, […]