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The train, the subway, the rush

A few months ago, the French Government announced that, until at least 2037, it will not make a decision about extending the Paris-Hendaya High Speed line from Bordeaux (where it currently ends) to Hendaya. It is not clear –it has never been very clear- when it will ever make it to Hendaya, or even if […]

Remaining in “That”

“I invite you to abide and dwell in ‘That’, which precedes your judgement and words as it beats in the thudding of your deepest artery: in that breath behind all words and language; I invite you to bend down and open yourself up to listening where the song of light can be heard, to peer […]

Faith in Humanity

Over dinner a few days ago Malen treated us to the reading of one of those remarks that she loves so much: “Aliens exist. The proof is that they don’t show up.” We laughed and then I pointed out: “Of course there are aliens and the best thing for them would be not to show […]

October 4, Saint Francis of Assisi: founder of the Franciscan family, Patron Saint of ecology, inspiration to thousands, claimed by people of all faiths as well as by those with no particular faith. Though born in the 12th century, he belongs to all ages He wrote these “Praises to God” or to Life, to the […]

I congratulate you, brother Flannery

I read that the Irish redemptorist priest Tony Flannery has definitely stood before the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith presided by the cardinal Luis Ladaria SJ. Congratulations, Brother Tony, as you are choosing life with its glory and cross! Tony Flannery was suspended from the clerical priesthood and condemned to the most […]

To come dawn from the summit of myself

“To come down from the summit of myself to the center of myself. A place with no other sign than the pure absence of signs; incipient springing of the dawn, whose sun expands on its own back, where I am not. Place without place, on the frontiers of the air, where the divinity learned to […]

Murderer of the UCA martyrs is convicted

A decisive step has just been taken along the path towards justice for those murdered in 1989 at the UCA Jesuit university (Republic of San Salvador) during that black moonlit dawn: the Jesuits Segundo Montes, Ignacio Ellacuría, Amando López, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Juan Ramón Moreno and Joaquín López, the cook at the Jesuit residence Julia Elba […]

The night and the dawn

“I’m shouted at from Seir: ‘Lookout, how much is left of the night? Lookout, how much is left of the night? The lookout answers: ‘The morning will come and the evening will come too. If you want to ask again, come back” (Prophet Isaiah 21, 11-12). The exegete comments: “It is the night on the […]

Papacy for another century

In 1995, Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical Ut unum sint expressed willingness to seek a new way of exercising the primacy of the Bishop of Rome as a ministry of communion for all the Churches. The proposal sparked interest in all churches, but was quite soon forgotten. In the pages that follow I […]