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Life, death and resurrection of sexual morality

In the 30th year of the common era, better known in the “western world” as “A.D.”, when the first full moon of spring illuminated the night of Palestine, a young and free prophet called Jesus of Nazareth was arrested, summarily tried and sentenced by the Roman procurator to die on a cross at the request, […]

Loreto, a bright life

Loreto Rey Arnáiz has left an indelible memory in many people. Her task has been a permanent call to live joyfully in favour of others, particularly those who suffer the most in our world. She belonged to the Workers’ Vanguard Christian Community from its start, and suffered a multitude of searches by Franco’s police in […]

‘TO LIVE LIKE THAT’ in Arantzazu

I doubt there is a more appropriate building than the Arantzazu Basilica to offer and enjoy the concert “Horrela Bizitzeko” (To live like that). But much courage was needed to organize that concert there, because certain things are still too hard on the ears of the Church. A lot of courage was needed, and the […]

Bird confidences

Faithful alarm clock and echo of so many human conversations that tell us what we do not sing: silent loves, exciting proposals, indecent reconciliations,fiery love, quieter struggles one step away from throwing in the towel. (Toño Martinez. This morning listening to a bird on my balcony) Translated from Spanish by Andrea González Tamayo


Press on, whenever we are surrounded by turmoil and noise, press on because peace dwells in silence. Live, if possible, live in harmony with everyone without betraying ourselves. Tell, tell our truth simply and clearly and never be tempted to impose it on anyone. Listen, listen attentively, to the ignorant and simple, too, because each […]

Do not abandon

Do not abandon. Even if it seems to you that the night has no end, even if you are overwhelmed by this time with no hugs, even if your breath freezes in your guts, even if you don’t see spring bloom. Because after the deepest darkness always points to a new day, because eternity is […]

The sign of Saint Merry’s

In Les Halles de Beaubourg, the old Parisian farmers’ market, completely redone in the 1970s and turned into the commercial, cultural and artistic heart of contemporary Paris, there is a singular jewel: Saint Merry’s, a beautiful gothic church from the 16th century, in flamboyant style, called “the little Notre-Dame”. It is a museum of architecture, […]

I write verses, gentlemen

I write verses, gentlemen, I write verses,but I don’t like being called poetess,I like wine just like bricklayers doand my assistant talks to herself.This is a fun world,things occur, gentlemen, that I do not disclose,cases occur, but houses are never given*to the poor who cannot pay.There are still spinsters with dogs,there are still married men […]

If it were your child

If it were your childyou would fill the seawith ships of any flag. You would want them all together, in millionsmaking the bridge to let your children pass throughVery attentive, you would never leave your children alone. You would cast shadowso their eyes do not get burnt,you would cover themso that they do not get […]

The Cock Crows

I am filled with astonishment and sorrow after reading the essay Oilarra kukuruka [The Cock Crows] (Erein 2020), which has just been published by Xipri Arbelbide, a Basque priest and friend from Heleta (Lower Navarre). It revolves around the death throes of the Catholic Church in our country, and I am astonished that the author […]