
The radiant Faith of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (& IV)

Rose-Marie Barandiaran: Our job as human beings, according to Bonhoeffer, “is not a religious problem: it is to live the joys and sufferings following the steps of Jesus. To interiorize, to question our moral conscience, to flee from individualism and the self-satisfaction offered by pious works and the search for salvation”. “Faith is our work […]

The Radiant Faith of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (III)

Rose-Marie Barandiaran: is it not thanks to the “withdrawal of God” that man allows himself to be reached by him? Why, then, do we invoke him in our crises? Why do we separate the worldly from the sacred? Jesus was not a priest. He was simply human. If we take God’s sufferings seriously, if we […]

The Radiant Faith of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (& II)

Rose-Marie-Barandiaran: “God is not beyond the boundaries of this world, but at the centre of this world in life and goodness.” For the German pastor, this centre is Reality itself, in other words, “God is the absolute centre of reality.”  Does this idea resonate with you, José? José Arregi: Absolutely. It is one of Bonhoeffer’s expressions […]

The Radiant Faith of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (I)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born in 1906 in Breslau, Germany (today Wroclaw, Poland). He became a Lutheran pastor and opposed the rise of Nazism in Germany in the 1930s. Suspected of involvement in the assassination attempt on Hitler, he was imprisoned in Berlin in 1943 but maintained contacts with the outside world. He was subsequently transferred […]