
Life, death and resurrection of sexual morality

In the 30th year of the common era, better known in the “western world” as “A.D.”, when the first full moon of spring illuminated the night of Palestine, a young and free prophet called Jesus of Nazareth was arrested, summarily tried and sentenced by the Roman procurator to die on a cross at the request, […]

Jesus, a human person like us

Roger Lenaers is an elderly, wise Belgian Jesuit, author of books such as Another Christianity is Possible and Although there isn’t a God up there[1], written with intelligence and soul for those who want to go on being Jesus’ disciples without cutting themselves off from today’s world with its worldview, science and language. Having devoted […]

Advent comes round again

It’s Advent again and the prophecies written by Isaiah a mere 2,700 years ago have a new feel about them. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more (Isa 2:4). There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear […]

What I believe in…

I believe in God-Silence, mysterious Presence…in you, in me, in us, in the immensity.It is only omnipotent in Love.It is the Love, it is the Life, and it is the Breath…I know Jesus of Nazareth,our light waiting for the day…He was born in Galilee from a very young woman.He rose to purge his religion from […]