October 4, Saint Francis of Assisi: founder of the Franciscan family, Patron Saint of ecology, inspiration to thousands, claimed by people of all faiths as well as by those with no particular faith. Though born in the 12th century, he belongs to all ages

He wrote these “Praises to God” or to Life, to the Depth of Reality:

“You are love, charity.

You are wisdom, You are humility, You are patience.

You are beauty, You are meekness, You are security.

You are rest, You are gladness and joy, You are our hope.

You are justice, You are moderation, You are all our riches to sufficiency.

You are beauty, You are meekness, You are strength, You are refreshment, You are all our sweetness.

You are our eternal life”.

And you too, whoever you are, you are all that.