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Can we still call “God” to what inspired Jesus?

Extended text of my intervention at the International Online Consultation For a bioecocentric humanism: What can we, the followers of Jesus, contribute? (June 5, 2022). What can we, the followers of Jesus, contribute to bioecocentric humanism? Not a surplus of values, nor an exclusive foundation, but the inspiration of Jesus, the inspiration that moved him […]

Memories, traces, hatreds

There are lights that do not go out, memories that won’t fade, hopes that are not lost, and people and facts that are not forgotten. Let us always think that in Life it is not so much the steps we have already taken that count, nor the steps we are taking…, but the footprints we […]

In the immensity of everything that exists

I made my consciousness flow to the farthest limit of my body, to ascertain whether I might not extend outside myself. I descended into the most hidden depths of my being, lamp in hand and ears alert, to discover whether in my innermost darkness I would not see the sparkles of the flowing current, whether […]

Al things are one

It is a strange thing that most of the feeling we call religious, most of the mystical outcrying which is one the most highly valued and desired reactions of our species, is really the attempt to say that man is related to the whole thing, that he has an inextricable relationship with the entire reality, […]

To Miren Jone Azurza. In memoriam

(Donostia-San Sebastian, 18-05-1929 – Donostia-San Sebastian, 15-05-2022) You were petite but great nevertheless. You kept as low a profile as possible in the media, but you were a pioneer. Your modesty made you all the more remarkable. You never regarded yourself as a forerunner in anything or dreamt of being one, but you were: as […]

LGTBIQ+: Impure in the Church

Recently, James Martin, well-known United States Jesuit and writer, sent a letter to Pope Francis with the three questions that he most often receives from Catholic LGTBIQ+ people (lesbians, gays, transexuals, transgenders, bisexuals, intersexuals, queer and other sexual identities and orientations).  A few days ago the Pope’s response was published. Here you have the questions […]

I lost the Rudder

I lose the mountain in the thirsty coal that cries out to the cloud. I lose the Rudder using my compass in search of shortcuts. Threatened in the absence at the crossroads of paths, my Light hesitates. I tremble in the sudden swing of every emotion, when the “ego” gets hold of it. I get […]

Reflections on the diocese and the Church after Munilla

Bishop José Ignacio Munilla presided over the diocese of Donostia-San Sebastián from 2010 to 2022. The following is a response to the questionnaire proposed by the editor of RELIGIÓN DIGITAL, but is intended more as an in-depth reflection on the situation of the Catholic Church in general: 1) What has Monsignor Munilla left behind? After […]

Jesus of Nazareth

How can we let you just be yourself, without diminishing you, without manipulating you? How, believing in you, can we not proclaim you to be Equal, more important, better than Christianism?… Jesus of Nazareth, son and brother, Living in God and yet bread in our hand, trail and companion for the day, profound liberator of […]

What God, what Jesus, what Christianity?

Text of my intervention at the (telematic) I International Congress “Beyond Religions”, organised by GABRIELLI EDITORI in collaboration with ADISTA (April 2, 2022). I propose 10 points for reflection that I consider fundamental in these times of transition towards a non-theistic, post-theistic or transtheistic philosophy, theology and spirituality. This last term, “transtheistic”, is the one […]