Arcadi Oliveres, tireless conscience agitator. Obituary

On April 7th, a day after the theologian Hans Küng, Arcadi Oliveres (Barcelona), died at 76 of pancreatic cancer.

Professor of Economics at the University, but above all street activist, scourge of injustice, accomplished fighter against big oligopolies and their executive directors, he favoured social movements rather than political parties.

His program: anticapitalism, civil disobedience, against violence. His motto, even though he knew the world would not improve: “We have no right to lose hope”.

This morning
i straighten up my back,
open my face,
breathe the dawn,
i choose LIFE.
This morning
i accept the blows,
i silence my limits,
dissolve my fears,
i choose LIFE.

At times I will walk absent-minded,
but you will be by my side,
Arcadi and Hans, admired and friends,
you will always be present.
Arcadi and Hans, I may be sunk in failures,
brooding over defeats,
lamenting blows,
dragging sorrows.

Illuminate our shadows not to lose your HOPE.
Illuminate our smiles to embrace your FIGHTS.
Illuminate our lack of stamina to accept your COMPROMISE.
Illuminate our steps to walk this LIFE WHICH DESERVES BEING LIVED.

(Marta Barbero – Juantxu Oscoz)

Translated by Mertxe de Renobales Scheifler