
Can we still call “God” to what inspired Jesus?

Extended text of my intervention at the International Online Consultation For a bioecocentric humanism: What can we, the followers of Jesus, contribute? (June 5, 2022). What can we, the followers of Jesus, contribute to bioecocentric humanism? Not a surplus of values, nor an exclusive foundation, but the inspiration of Jesus, the inspiration that moved him […]

What God, what Jesus, what Christianity?

Text of my intervention at the (telematic) I International Congress “Beyond Religions”, organised by GABRIELLI EDITORI in collaboration with ADISTA (April 2, 2022). I propose 10 points for reflection that I consider fundamental in these times of transition towards a non-theistic, post-theistic or transtheistic philosophy, theology and spirituality. This last term, “transtheistic”, is the one […]