We remember you, José Ellacuria

A year ago José Ellacuría went from this life (1928-2020) to shapeless Life.

I celebrate this day in communion with those who continue loving him most and remembering him, bringing him to memory, to Life.

This morning, very early in the morning, I have received this email from the person who was closest to him: “Together we were discovering new ways to live our faith in a deeper, more mature, authentic and more plural manner, enriched by Eastern and Western spirituality, a synthesis he used to dream about”. Thank you!

José lived and worked in China Taiwan since 1956 until his expulsion in 1988. In 1971, in Taipei, he opened an office of labour relations presided over by a banner written in Chinese characters: Justice with Benevolence.

He liked those words that Nando makes the Three Wise Men write: Dear boys and girls, bring us something of yours. In 2019 he addressed the UCA (Universidad Centroamericana in San Salvador) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the assessination of his brother Ignacio: UCA-San Salvador, bring us something of yours.

He summarized his profound political spirituality in a sentence that he did not cease to repeat and live up to: We are not one, neither are we two. We are no-two.

He particularly recognized himself in this Haiku: My roof and my house burnt down, there is nothing that hides the bright moon for me.

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
The moon and the stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep peace to you.

(You can listen to a beautiful presentation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEmvQqg_EpQ)

(Translated by Mertxe de Renobales)