You are looking for an experience

You are looking for an experience: God, beauty… This means that you see what you are looking for as an object. In this case, simply explore who sees.

When you explore really, you will understand that you look for who sees. It is the most direct way, if we can talk about a way.

Be clear that what you are looking for can never be an object, because you are what you are looking for, so you won’t be able to see or understand it: you will only be able to be it. Being it means that there isn’t an interpretation, an idea about it.

You will be free of concepts. When the mind reaches this situation, it becomes quiet. There’s a suspension. All ideas about you, all your attributes must be suspended.

Then you will find yourself in a kind of detachment.You are that detachment, that presence freed from attributes. So be that, completely in tune with it.

(Jean Klein)

In Rafael Redondo, El Milagro de vivir despierto.

Translated from Spanish by Andrea González Tamayo